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What is TLIMS?

TLIMS stands for Trinity Lifecycle Management Suite but what does it actually mean? Well, its not an easy answer however we’ll do our best to break it down.

TLIMS is mostly a quality and workflow manager for the production of Industrial and Specialty gas manufacturing. It was born out of countless years of experience of trying to solve process control into a production environment.

It seems on the surface that this would be an easy task. After all, gas manufacturing hasn’t changed all that much as to “how” you make product but the demands for more and more analytical testing, quality data compilation and instant verification into your process is at an all time high. Customers demand data packs showing that you are tracking everything when the traditional method historically was to use a lot of human knowledge and experience to tell you when something isn’t right.

Don’t get us wrong, there is no substitute for that human knowledge that can understand a process so intimately because they work with it every day. But what about the correlations that occur over a period of time? Minute details that change the process without being detected by human recognition?

For example, what about if you had a fill process where you would get out of spec issues for no reason? You filled the cylinders exactly the same but for some reason, every now and then you get an impurity spike for a specific analyte. Well, TLIMS was designed to collect all the relevant pieces of data that you could harvest for analysis via statistical software packages that may point out trends or anomalies.

More importantly, TLIMS was designed to make managing your process simpler. Have you ever wanted to manage control limits in your process that could be enforced during your testing process? TLIMS can do it.

The best part of it is that TLIMS can be customized to your specific needs.

Updated on April 2, 2019

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